Hope you enjoyed my book! If I could ask one huge favor, it would be that you leave a Kindle review on Amazon. Please be sure to leave an honest review of the book on Amazon.com. It is immensely helpful.
1. Visit the Review Page
I’ve created a handy short link to take you there: https://www.desktodirtbag.com/travelbook-review
2. Sign in or Create an Account
You’ll need to sign in to your Amazon account or create an account in order to leave a review.
3. Write a Review
An honest review is appreciated! Click the stars and write a quick review… Remember you don’t need to write a lengthy or profound treatise, and you can always revise or expand upon your review later.
Here’s that link again: www.desktodirtbag.com/travelbook-review
4. Spread the Word
I’d love your help spread the word from the launch team page where I have included easy one-click shareable content for your social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, etc)… and some other cool stuff.