A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Don Miller

How You Can Live a Better Story Today

All of us enjoy reading a good story, but what if, like a writer putting pen to paper, you could begin crafting the life you are living into a better story? A review of Don Miller’s book A Million MIles in a Thousand Years.

Sunset along the California Coast.

Photo Favorite – Sunset on the California Coast

Sunset along the California Coast, Highway 1, north of San Francisco. I finally returned to see salt water along the Pacific Ocean after spending the better part of the year, inland and in the mountains and deserts of the American Southwest.

Climbing to Location Independence August 2014 Income Report

August 2014 Income Report

Climbing to Location Independence: A candid and in depth report of just how much money I made (or didn’t make) this month in my online endeavors and my pursuit of location independence.