This article may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, I will earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Thanks!Lots of people have found my truck canopy camping build online and have replicated it themselves. But many have also reached out asking for more detailed plans or designs about how to build my DIY …
Pickup Truck Camping: A Guide to Outfitting and Living in the Back of Your Rig
This is a monster post about pickup truck camping, a full-on guide to outfitting and living in the back of your pickup truck. We are going to cover a lot of information, including what you need to know when deciding on a canopy, common approaches for building out the back, organization, and gear, how it is used in practice, and …
Truck Camping 101: Truck Bed Sleeping Platform vs. Back Shelf Approach
What you need to know when deciding between the two primary approaches to truck camping, either the elevated sleeping platform with gear storage below, or the backshelf approach.
Truck Camping Essentials: Why You Need a Dual Battery Setup
One of my most frequently asked questions about my truck camping setup was always in regards to a dual battery setup and adding an isolator. Up until now, my answer had always been, “I don’t know, but that’s something I really wanted to do before leaving!” Before we get into how to install a second battery in your car or …
4 Crucial Considerations When Buying a Truck Canopy for Camping
Recently, on the Desk to Dirtbag Facebook page, Anna wrote in about how she is going to make the leap to a nomadic lifestyle and wants to do a simple truck camping setup. She asked what my main recommendations are for those considering purchasing a truck canopy for camping. I’ve been wanting to do more videos for YouTube and figured this …
What You Need to Get Started Camping in the Back of a Truck
Have you considered outfitting the bed of your truck to be your ultimate mobile adventure base camp? But aren’t sure where to start or what you need for your DIY truck bed camper? This article will help you identify exactly what you need to get started camping in the back of a truck and roughly how much it will cost. …
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